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Public Pages - these are open to the public and any thing you post here will be viewed by the general public.
Heroin Kills You - Get all the latest news regarding heroin daily by LIKING this page
Heroin Support - Public page about our 501(c)3 nonprofit.
Heroin Support INC - from Heroin Support on Vimeo.
We Hate Heroin - Do you hate heroin?  So do we!
Lost To Heroin - Public page for people to post pictures/stories of their loved ones who lost their battle to this disease.
Heroin Memorial - Public page for people to post pictures/stories of their loved ones who lost their battle to this disease.
Private Groups - these are private groups where only members of the groups can see your posts and comments.  People outside of the groups can not see your comments including your friends & family.
Heroin Support - Private online support group of over 35,000 members for active users, those in recovery, and also parents/friends who just want to learn more about the daily struggles of active users and offer them support to quit.
Heroin Support For Non-Addicts - Private online support group for family members to share their struggles with understanding addiction and how to deal with their loved one's addiction. Â
Heroin Memorial - Private group that is restricted to only members who have lost an Angel to heaven because of heroin.  It is mostly parents but there are friends here also who lost someone.  Below is a public video that some of the members from this private group volunteered to have their Angels included in as we try to break the public STIGMA of addiction.
Heroin Memorial 2016 June from Heroin Support on Vimeo.
Lost To Heroin - Private group for those who lost a loved one to heroin
We Hate Heroin - Private group for people to discuss their feelings and frustrations about heroin addiction.
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